Marbled Chocolate Cake

What can I say? I bought too many chocolate candies for Halloween… and I was eating the leftovers like there was no tomorrow. Since, I still have one third of the bucket full of chocolate candy in the house; I think might be more of a troublemaker, then a problem solver. The cake was really…


  I am being a little gross today, I apologize for that! Nevertheless, this is a skill we all need in life! Imagine the zombies coming for us or the Apocalypse! You will not survive without this skill!  You need it! Just make sure to use gloves, if you don’t the fish smell will reside…


  Nothing beats a juicy ribeye (or rib eye?) steak! If you don’t believe me ask my husband, ribeye is his favorite vegetable. According to the internet is the fat content, or the fat marbling, that makes a ribeye steak so juicy and tender. Apparently is also known as the Spencer steak. Thank you, Wikipedia,…

Culinary Epiphany

Introduction I used to be PicktheCook, but now I am Culinary Epiphany. If you find it pretentious, you are reading it in a wrong way, it’s more of a “culinary epiphany… (cough)”. More of a: “Remember I made that recipe a while ago, I wonder what ingredients I used and how I did it…” That…

Shrimp and Grits

I am really having fun with these recipe templates, in case it was not obvious already. I’ve got nothing insightful    else to say on this gloomy Monday, so I’ll open a bottle of red wine and continue reading Marco Polo’s Adventures until my eye start itching. I  might be needing vision glasses, thank you countless nights…

Propagating BASIL from cuttings

Do not worry, I’ve done this before which kinda of makes me a pro, right? I bought the basil plant in the first photo below (it was much-much smaller) from a grocery store in April. I used some of it during that month, but not too much because I really liked the way it looked…

Chocolate Chip Banana Bread

I baked this banana bread for a friend. Honestly, it was for a friend, but as I am preparing this blog post, I really wish I made one for myself as well. No worries, I still have half a bucket of candies from Halloween. You can find an older recipe for  chocolate marbled banana bread…

Roasted Chicken with Fennel

From the category: recipes for lazy people, like  myself. It really is one of my favorite things to cook because it only takes 10 minutes to prepare everything and shove it into the oven. You can go about your business as long as you remember to remove the lid of the pan and let the…

Stuffed Peppers

Hello, hello! I am actually doing this! Look at me, I am posting a recipe! Also, I am trying to learn to take decent pictures and to write decent looking recipes… I also need some decent intros to my posts (mental note). Ok, so today we are cooking stuffed peppers. Why? Because I haven’t had…